Merchant Cash Advance


Easiest, Fastest Way To Fund Your Retail Business

The lack of working capital for the small retail business owners is why good many merchants like restaurants and boutiques are turning to a Merchant Cash Advance to satisfy their capital needs. In fact, thousands of small business owners cannot get approved for a small business bank loan while Merchant Cash Advance is a great alternative to a small business loan for merchant s with less the perfect credit.

With Merchant Cash Advance there are no liens or second mortgages against your home or business. It's fast and simple. There are no fixed monthly payment amount. You pay back with your future credit card sales volume. As your card sales go up or down, so does the amount paid to the Merchant Cash Advance provider.

The payments are made automatically by deducting a fixed portion of your credit and debit card sales through your card processing bank. It's easy and hassle-free , giving you more time to spend on your business.